Mother Nature's Medicine Cabinet:
Surviving the Cold and Flu Season

It's that time of year again, colds and flues running rampant, while spring time is just around the corner beckoning us to plant gardens and consume LIVE food...

While my fellow Pea has been on her journey with the Anti-Candida Diet, this Pea has been experimenting with adding more LIVE RAW food and it is just what mother nature prescribed!

We have been able to minimize the effects of the cold and flu bugs by steeping Traditional Medicinal's Gypsy Cold Care along with a slice of fresh ginger root and half a squeezed lemon.  Coupled with Emergen-C, this natural remedy works wonders!

Freshly juiced Valencia oranges and Sweetie tangerines have been part of our routine - it's like drinking a glass full of sunshine with vitamin C and very delicious!

Drink the Rainbow!!! 
Vegetable juicing has added vital and live nutrients that give me a long lasting energy boost better than anything, including caffeine. It's Amazing how much energy I was missing out on before.  I notice a huge difference if I miss my veg juice.

We have also purchased a food dehydrator in order to incorporate convenient LIVE RAW food into our diets.  My first run was Eggplant Bacon (shown here), I found several recipes and here is the one I settled on:
 §  1/2 cup pure maple syrup
§  3 tbl tamari
§  1 tbl lemon
§  2 tbl smoked paprika
§  2 shakes of  liquid smoke
Peel one side of the eggplant and use a mandolin to make lengthwise slices. Marinate the slices in a small bowl filled with the above mixture, flipping over slices every 20 minutes for an hour or so.  Dehydrate  at 115 degrees F up to 10-12 hours until crisp.  (Mine took 13 hours.)

We have been incorporating as much LIVE plant food to our diets as we can manage and we all feel a huge difference.  I have been calling this the Rainbow Diet, with the goal to add as many colors as I can each and every day.

Although I am not ready to go completely RAW, I can say that just by eating more LIVE food we have boosted our energy levels and immune systems, weathering the cold and flu season.
This has been a change that I want to turn into a habit and hopefully will be sharing more recipes.

Light and Love,


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